Privacy Declaration

Klimbos Nederland (Chamber of Commerce number 56535287), located at Asselsestraat 397 7312TS Apeldoorn, is responsible for the processing of personal data as shown in this privacy statement.

Contact details
Asselsestraat 397
7312 TS Apeldoorn
055 3557780

Personal data that we process

Klimbos Nederland processes your personal data because you use our services and/or because you provide them to us yourself. Below you will find an overview of the personal data we process:

• First and last name

• Address data

• Phone number

• E-mail address

• Payment details


Our website and/or service does not intend to collect data about website visitors who are younger than 16 years of age. Unless they have permission from their parents or guardian. However, we cannot check whether a visitor is older than 16. We therefore recommend that parents be involved in the online activities of their children, in order to prevent data about children from being collected without parental consent. If you are convinced that we have collected personal information about a minor without this consent, please contact us at and we will delete this information.

For what purpose and on what basis do we process personal data?

Klimbos Nederland processes your personal data for the following purposes:


You can call us, email us or use the contact form or the help button on our website to get in touch with us. In order to process your contact request, your name, email address and telephone number, and the content of your question, will be processed and stored for a maximum of 2 years after we last contacted you. We will then delete the data for this purpose.


You can sign up for the newsletter via our website. With your permission, we will send you an email full of news and promotions about the Climbing Forest up to 6 times a year. You can always unsubscribe from the newsletter. To do this, click on the unsubscribe link in the email or send us a message.

Place an order

You can buy tickets for the Climbing Forest via our website. During the ordering process we ask you to enter personal data so that we can deliver the ticket to you digitally. We also process your payment details to process the payment. We keep this data for up to 7 years after the end of the financial year, in connection with our tax retention obligation.


You can apply for one of our vacancies via our website. We then ask you to fill in your name and address details and contact details. You can also send us your motivation and attach your CV, including information about your work and education history. If necessary, you can give us a salary indication and any other additional information. We process this data to process your application. In preparation for possibly concluding an employment contract with you, we can also carry out additional screening, such as a social media screening or applying for a Certificate of Good Conduct.

Image material website

We use photos of employees and customers on our website. We only post these photos on our website if you have given explicit permission for this. You can always withdraw your consent. We will then immediately remove the photos from the website.


You can leave a comment or review via the Feedback Company. We show these reviews on our website. Please note that we have no influence on the content of the services. Feedback Company is independently responsible for processing. For more information about the processing of personal data, please refer to Feedback Company’s privacy statement.


We collect data about your website visit via our website. We collect statistical information because we have a legitimate commercial interest in doing so. We ask permission for marketing cookies. For more information about this, please refer to our cookie policy. You can also choose to withdraw the consent given via the cookie button at the bottom left of the screen or at the bottom of this privacy statement.

Automated decision making

Klimbos Nederland does not make decisions based on automated processing on matters that could have (significant) consequences for people. This concerns decisions taken by computer programs or systems, without a human being involved (for example an employee of Klimbos Nederland).

Sharing personal data with third parties

Klimbos Nederland uses the following computer programs or systems:

• Recras for registration and reservation

• Tripper and ANWB for bookings

• Zendesk for questions and complaint handling

• Mollie for handling the payment

Your personal data is processed in these systems. Het Klimbos does not sell your data to third parties and will only provide it if this is necessary for the execution of our agreement with you, if you have given permission for this or to comply with a legal obligation. We enter into a processing agreement with companies that process your data on our behalf to ensure the same level of security and confidentiality of your data. We also use:

• Our administration office

• IT service providers, such as our website developer and hosting party

• Cookie partners (for more information, see the privacy statement at the bottom)

Your personal data, with the exception of cookie information, is processed as much as possible within the European Economic Area. W

View, adjust or delete data

You have the right to view, correct or delete your personal data. In addition, you have the right to withdraw any consent given to the data processing or to object to the processing of your data by Klimbos Nederland, to limit the processing and the right to data portability. This means that you can submit a request to us to send the personal data we have about you in a computer file to you or another organization mentioned by you.

You can send a request for your privacy rights to To ensure that the request for access has been made by you, we may ask additional questions to identify you. We will respond to your request as quickly as possible, but within four weeks. If processing the request takes more time, we will let you know. We can extend the term by a maximum of 2 months. Klimbos Netherlands would also like to point out that you have the option to file a complaint with the national supervisory authority, the Dutch Data Protection Authority. This can be done via the following link:

How we protect personal data

Klimbos Nederland takes the protection of your data seriously and takes appropriate measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorized modification. For example, the website is secured using TLS. If you have the impression that your data is not properly secured or there are indications of misuse, please contact our customer service or via